Art of Floating
Posted by guardianscapes on Sep 2, 2013 in Commercial Services, New Projects | 0 comments Form follows function was the basis of thought behind this landscape. Design and materials were carefully considered before the project began. The design enhances the Craftsman home that is used as part of the business, as well as tying the look of the home to the brick and stone facade of the more modern float center building. Broad straight sidewalks were laid using local mountain stone quarried in Columbia County. The brick-edged walk and planting bed keep clients from straying off of the path into lawn or garden areas. All walks and the garden bath behind the house lead to the float centers mountain stone patio. The beautiful stone work shows the skill of Guardian craftsmenship. Mature plant material was chosen for an instantly established look for the foundation plantings. Fifteen gallon azaleas bloom heavily in the spring, this hybrid has light bloom throughout the summer and fall. Frankalina trees were added for an element of surprise. The Frankalina, a genus of the tea tree was discovered by William Bartram in 1790, on a river bank in Georgia. This tree became extinct in the wild in the early 19th century, and will now grow only in cooler regions in the US. Fankalina, named for Benjamin Franklin a friend of Bartram, has camellia like flowers that bloom late August until frost. Twelve foot tall Longwood Gold Hollies with yellow berries that pull the eye down from the interesting roof lines of the house to the garden. more